Easter Sunday Brunch & Service

Easter Sunday Brunch & Service

Thinking about visiting a church?

Consider yourself invited!

We are having EASTER BRUNCH at 10AM! Everyone is invited. Bring yourself and a friend for pancakes, bacon, eggs, and coffee!!
Then come CELEBRATE at 10:45AM as we explore the claims of Jesus together.  Childcare offered through 6th grade.

Details & Map of the Campus

Parking is located off of Stow Canyon Rd. (See map below)

Once you park, the first building you will see is our Fellowship Hall and Children’s Ministry. If you want coffee and snacks you’ll need to make your way to the Sanctuary which is located on the other side of the Fellowship Hall. 

If you have children, you will see a check-in area for kids’ ministry by the Fellowship Hall on your way to the Sanctuary. Please make a name tag for your child(ren) and take a ticket! This is how we keep track of the kiddos and ensures only you get them back ? We have a nursery for little tots and a bible study for grade-school tots.

Our worship service ends at noon. If you want to stick around and get to know some people we provide lunch after service every second Sunday of every month.  This is a great way to meet our leadership and congregation.

If you have any questions please contact our administrator, Justin Russak, and he will be happy to help in any way. Or call (805) 967-4113

Teen Challenge