God Loves Us in Deed

God Loves Us in Deed

God Loves us in Deed


  • In 1 John 3:18 it says that we are not to just “say” we love but demonstrate our love to one another in deed, acts of love. 
  • Does God do that? Is he asking something of us that he doesn’t do himself? Does God love us in deed? If so, how? 
  • “Please stand” Read Romans 5:1-8. PRAY

vs. 1- “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith.”

Justification. The penal substitutionary atonement of Jesus the Christ  propitiated our sins thereby imputing righteous, through the sovereign, providential and gracious call of God to those that through the simplicity of Gospel content, personal conviction and positive assertion of true saving faith has eternal salvific implications becoming adopted children of God. 

  • Simple right? 
  • Let’s break that down a little. 
  • Jesus dies the death we deserved and satisfied God’s wrath,
  • Content, conviction (head to heart), positive assertion (this is for me) 
  • -Made right, declared righteous by God, we actually believe this stuff!
  • Define justification- Invite unbelievers BUT for you to get now live into we fruit of our faith 
  • This is where you now just get to listen in. The rest is FOR Christians. 
  • Does God love us in deed? If so, how? 

#1. He gives us Peace.

  • Read the rest of vs. 1. 
    • Shilom, all things as they ought to be with God.  
      • Access
      • Faith & Grace
    • What is the fruit of this experience of peace. 
      • Stand (Free drive, windy- water gets in your snorkel, it’s not fun, but to dive, calm as the underwater ocean) 
    • Honeymoon, not in as good of shape. Not Shilom
  • “Jesus is our Peace”
    • Light the “Peace” candle
  • Does God love us in deed? If so, how? 

#2. He gives us Hope

  • a. Glory of God
  • b. Hope does not put us to shame (disappoint) 
    • “Jesus is our Hope”
    • Light the Hope candle
  • Does God love us in deed? If so, how? 

#3. He gives us Joy

  • a. Direction of joy
    • Pre-qual to joy? 
    • foundational, grace, faith, Peace, Justified
    • present of joy
  • glory of God
    • future of joy
  • Suffering —> Endurance —> Character —> Hope 
  • “Jesus is our Joy” 
  • [Light Joy candle]
  • Does God love us in deed? If so, how? 

#4. He Loves us

  • Pour into our hearts through the Holy Spirit

For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God    Romans 8:15–16

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38–39


  • Read vs. 6-8  GOSPEL
    • vs. 6 At the right time
    • vs. 8, He shows it, by giving his son for us!
    • He puts an exclamation point to his love for us so that we who believe can say that that God loves us INDEED! 
  • GVC- Invite band up

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16-17

  • Light love Candle. PRAY