

Agenda; the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group.

  • Context- The 1st century church also had an agenda. To see people come to the knowledge of the grace of God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ BUT, up until our text this morning,  it was reserved for the salvation of the Jews.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8

  • We hear that and think, it’s for EVERYONE. But when they heard that there was a little addition, and any Jew that might be living anywhere else to the ends of the earth!
    • It was that little assumption that led them to be reluctant to adopt God’s plan so he intervenes.
  • The question we should all be asking is, WHAT IS THE LORDS AGENDA?
    • #1. What does he want for our church?
    • #2. What does he want for me?

“What God has made clean do not call unclean”

  • Cornelius,  A Centurion, Always seen in a positive light in scripture.
    • Faith, healing of his servant (If you say go, he goes)
    • Oversees the crucification and says, “Truly this was the Son of God”
    • Cornelius, in our text today
  • Part of a Cohort, 1000 soldiers mainly because of the rebelliousness of the Jews.
    • Italian, I’m Italian, could be my great x25 grandpa.
    • A man of character. Feared God, gave alms, and prayed.
  • Praying, an Angel of the lord shows up and says his name.
    • Read vs. 3-4
    • Clearly, vs. 3 (Luke giving an accurate account)
  • His response is classic. “What is it, Lord?” the equivalent of asking What’d I do? Am I praying wrong? Didn’t give? What?
    • “Your prayers have been answered”, No idea what that meant.
      • Most likely a part of the local synagogue but was unable to convert because of
        • 1. The hoops set up by the jews, including circumcision
        • 2. His position as a Roman centurion might not allow for such a conversion.

He had no idea that God’s agenda was to make him “clean”

Peter was being prepared for this, vs. 9:43

  • Tanner is someone who tans hides, Basically a guy who makes leather.
    • The problem is it necessitated more or less ceremonial contamination because he dealt with dead animals. He even had to live on the outskirts of town because of it.
    • BUT, Simon was a jew and a believer…. Already seeing “believers” clean.

Read 11-16

  • Strange vision Happens 3 times.
    • “unclean” animals outlined in Leviticus 11
  • He has to be wondering, “so I shouldn’t be staying at the tanner’s house, wait, I should?
    • No wonder he is “perplexed”!!! I would be.
  • He does know this b/c it was said 3x’s

“What God has made clean, do not call common”

  • Common, unclean or defiled. 
  • Peter’s response “by no means, Lord” 
    • Ever argue with God? 
    • I wonder if sometimes we think we are more holy than God?
    • His commentary of Acts, Drumbeat of Love
      • “His legalistic piety went beyond the Lord’s!” Lloyd Olilvie
    • I do not mean, more “holy” in terms of actual holiness, but I think we have some additions & agendas, of our own, much like the first century Christians did in regards to the great commission.
  • Pharisees & law
    • The bruised pharisee, lust
      • Bruises become badges.
    • We call that silly, right? But what do we do, for instance in regards to lust, that is the same?
      • Accountability software for my accountability software.
      • Some need it. I have had it before. But here’s we we go wrong.
        • Accountability software, find a way around it.
        • Say I decide to cut off all internet use. Find some other guys and they do the same. All good, right? But we keep setting boundaries farther and farther to abstain from lust.
        • Pretty soon you start looking down on guys who use the internet.
        • “If you are a christian, you shouldn’t have the internet.”
        • Slippery slope.

If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” (referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.  Col. 2:20-23

  • We do this with TV, Music, alcohol, food, locations, like dance clubs
  • Todays version could say “Do not watch that. Do not drink that. Do not go there.”  And when we impress that on others, all of a sudden we just called something “unclean” when God never said such a thing… Bruised Pharisees. 
    • To balance what I just said, there is wisdom. For some, it’s probably not a good idea to watch & listen to some things or go some places, but the answer is not law.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3:1-3

  • “What God has made clean, do not call unclean”
  • Read 10:24
    • Cool scene.
    • Cornelius Has gathered a crowd,
    • just hanging out in expectation of an honored guest.
  • Explains How as a jew, it’s kind of a big deal that he is there. And then says, So whats up?
    • Not presumptuous and just starts preaching. He asks why?
    • In the story he says something extremely profound.
  • Read vs. 28
    • “that I should not call ANY person unclean”.   Is that true?
    • For Peter, the vision must have rushed the words of Jesus to the forefront of his mind… Did he really mean ALL people?
    • When he said “ends of the earth, did he really mean EVERYONE, and not just jews? -Memory after memory of Jesus’ preaching and teaching must have been rewritten in his mind that evening, when he invited Romans to stay with him that night for the first time ever,  and the days journey to Cornelius’ house. Truth changed his mind, and then it was followed by his actions. 
  • This is what truth does, when we actually believe it. 
    • We have ways to make a small addition to truth that ultimately makes it untrue.
    • With Peter and the first church, they believed that the promises from God were reserve for the Jews alone. Thus, the Gospel was not for EVERYONE.
    • His agenda was skewed. It wasn’t quite aligned with God’s agenda.
  • Where is that true of us? Especially when it involves others?
    • What God has made clean do we call unclean?
      • What about others?
        • Different race?
        • Red and yellow, black or white, we are precious in his sight
        • economic background? Different culture?
        • Addict, divorced, single mom, dead beat dad, homeless, outcast, misfit, loser, rich, poor, smart, dull, handicap, prostitute.
    • Speaking of the tongue
      • With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. James 3:9–10
    • “What God has made clean do not call unclean”
  • What about the church?
    • Does your agenda for the local church, or this church, align with God’s? 
    • How do you view the church?
      • Pick a name, filled with hypocrites, liars, gossip, hurt…
  • Do you see this church as unclean? 
    • “What God has made clean do not call unclean”
    • The thing that effects it all is…
    • How do you view yourself? 
      • If you are a Christian (GOSPEL), you are clean.
      • Look in the mirror and view yourself Unclean?
      • In Jesus name, stop.
  • “What God has made clean do not call unclean”
    • Which effects the way we live and view others. It effects Everything…
    • May we align our agenda with Gods. See ourselves, the things we do and others with the eyes of God.
  • “What God has made clean do not call unclean”

Sermon Slides