Come & See the Unseen, John 1:35-51
Please turn to John 1:35-51, page 866 in the Pew Bibles. Once you are there, please stand for the reading of God’s word. Introduce Juanita
- In Billy Gramms book “Angels: God’s secret agents” he reports a testimony from Scottish missionary, John Paton. He and his wife were surrounded by cannibals with the intent to take their lives. R. Hughes writes about this in his commentary on our text this morning. “On that terror-filled night the couple fell to their knees and prayed God would protect them.It was a horrible time. Intermittent with their prayers, the missionaries heard the cries of the savages and imagined them coming through the door to take their lives.” R. Hughes
- Can you imagine? We have little experience with this kind of vulnerability, Nothing between you and imminent danger but prayers alone. No calls to 911, no neighbors to come to the rescue, just you with the hope that God’s plan is to not get eaten by cannibals.
- “As the sun began to rise , to their astonishment they found the natives were retreating into the forrest. The missionaries were filled with joy. Theirs hearts soared to God”
- They continued their work faithfully investing in these unreached people. A year later the chieftain came to Christ. Only then he asked why they had not killed them that dreadful night.
- ““The chieftain replied in surprise, “Who were all those men who were with you?” The missionary answered, “There were no men with us. It was just my wife and myself.” The chieftain began to argue with him saying, “There were hundreds of tall men in shining garments with drawn swords circling about your house, so we could not attack you.””
- Story of girl who saw angels
- Come and See the Unseen
#1. Come and see, Read vs. 35-39
- Context, disciples of John.
- Discipleship is pointing people to Jesus
- #a. What are you seeking? (Go to blank slide)
- What a question!
- This filters our motivations
- I just heard an advertisement that said that many medical issues are linked to your gut. That bad bacteria in your gut will effect your energy, weight gain, etc. One of the statements that caught my attention, That no matter how good your diet is, your sleep patterns, exercise, that unless the bacteria is addressed you will continue to have issues. I’m not a Dr. And have no idea how true that is. (Braggs an oz or 2 of locally made Apple cider vinegar a night couldn’t hurt) Outside of my shameless plug for locally made products or your diet, we need to address the question “what are you seeking?” It can effect everything.
- The Pharisees and Sadducees seemed to be seeking God, but their political desires blinded them from being able to see the person the Bible spoke of.
- The rich young ruler was kept from following Jesus because of his possessions.
- I just heard an advertisement that said that many medical issues are linked to your gut. That bad bacteria in your gut will effect your energy, weight gain, etc. One of the statements that caught my attention, That no matter how good your diet is, your sleep patterns, exercise, that unless the bacteria is addressed you will continue to have issues. I’m not a Dr. And have no idea how true that is. (Braggs an oz or 2 of locally made Apple cider vinegar a night couldn’t hurt) Outside of my shameless plug for locally made products or your diet, we need to address the question “what are you seeking?” It can effect everything.
- We can change who Jesus is to fit what we really want.
For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough. 2 Corinthians 11:4 (NIV)
- I read an article last week titled, “Jesus isn’t interested in America’s two-party division”. Written by a theologian from another country, “What we see here is the image of Jesus being constantly twisted and contorted in unbearable fashion.”
- You can go to church for decades and not understand the gospel.
- Jim and Janice Lee, who are down South, medical, pray for them, “After 30 yrs of attending church faithfully I only now understand the Gospel.”
- but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31
- Politics, possessions, social needs, what we need, what we really need to seek is Jesus of Nazareth. The true Christ!
- To Come & see the need for forgiveness of sin. To come & see true freedom found in the historic man, Jesus Christ! When we do, we can not help to tell others!
- Come and See the Unseen
- Read vs. 39-42, Andrew tells Peter
- The gospels and continuity.
- Have you ever read that Jesus walks up to a group of fisherman and says “follow me” and they did, no questions asked, and thought, “wow, why did they so blindly follow Jesus? They left everything just like that (Snap fingers)?”
- Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. Mark 1:16–18
- Some would point to such a thing and say, “See, the Bible has contradictions. Which is it? Andrew and Peter with John the Baptist or on a boat?” The answer is? Yes. They both are true and it gives a full picture of what happened. (puzzle)
- Andrew, and assumably some of the other guys from the area where disciples of John, and what was he teaching? He was preparing the way to see the true Messiah! How? Pointing out sin.
- However, not all discipleship took place like the 3 years during Jesus’ ministry. Much like today, people would have jobs, lead their families, and then go learn from guys like John the Baptist who were willing to teach. And Jesus did the same thing.
- Then, it was time. And he called them to follow him so they left to go on what was the most amazing adventure! To come and see the unseen. To come and see the unseen kingdom of God, the unseen inner work of faith and redemption in yourself and others, to see the unseen work of the spirit, to come and see the unseen.
- The gospels and continuity.
#2. the Unseen
- Vs. 43-44 Philip and Andrew, same city as Andrew and Peter, possibly disciples of John.
- vs. 45-46, Natural evangelism. But notice who Andrew told Nathanial he found. “Moses and the Law”
- vs. 47, “and Israelite in whom their is no Jacob” Temple translation
- Jacob means deceiver, or guile. After this week we are changing my sons name. Sorry son.
- Vs. 48a- How do you know me? Jesus, being able to see the unseen work of God, was able to speak into his soul.
- May we not forget, God knows. He knows what we are seeking. God sees the unseen motivations of our heart, he sees our politics and possessions taking priority over CHrist in our life. He also sees of hope in Jesus, our desire for sin to be removed, and that if our hearts cry like John the Baptist, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”
- Vs. 48b- Have you ever wondered what Nathaniel was considering under that tree?
- There is an educated guess based on Jesus’ response, but you will have to come back next week to hear part 2 of Come and See the Unseen
- For now, When we come and see Jesus, the historical Christ, He reveals the unseen in our lives, our unseen sin, our unseen motivations, BUT through the Gospel, he reveals un unseen righteousness,
- May we repent & believe