God Saves His People

God Saves His People

God Saves His People

  • Who are you? How do you define yourself? 
    • According to a Gallop poll in 2014, 55% of people define themselves by their vocation.
      • If you are a college graduate, that stat jumps to 70% 
    • What you do determines who you are. 
    • In a study done by the Barna Group that asked, “What Most Influences the Self-Identity of Americans?”, Religious Faith came in 3rd at 38%, and our current generation of Millennials ,28%
  • With people defining themselves through vocation, what I do / Patriotism, where I live / Politics, how I vote /Style, How I look / Sexuality, who I am attracted to, it begs the question…
    • Who are you? How do you define yourself? I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the best person to ask that question is the one who created you. If God exists, he should be consulted on such an important subject, no? Who we believe we are determines how we live. And thankfully, we don’t need to make an appointment, as though God is a person therapist waiting to for us to ask the question, he is actively working to show & remind his people who they are… 

Please Turn to Esther 6:14, page 414 in the pew bibles 

  • Review text, 
    • Esther, an orphan being taken care of by her uncle through some crazy events becomes queen and then they both save the Kings life. The right hand man of A-shoe-wear-us the king, a guy named Haman, decides to eradicate all the Jews since a guy named Mordecai, Esther’s uncle will not bow down to him. Esther is encouraged to go to the king at the risk of her life, she does, and she throws a party, and doesn’t ask yet, but instead asks the King and Haman to come back to another party. The story pivots when Haman has to honor Mordecai instead of kill him. 
    • Last week we asked, “what pleases God?” Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. We talked about saving faith- Believe, agree and trust.
      • What we learn from Mordecai and Esther is that true faith produces courageous action-  Knew it, approved it and acted.
  • Read 6:14
  • Read 7:1-6
    • Humbly requests of the king
    • Risks her life
  • Read 7:7-10
    • Assalt, NIV- molested
    • Harbona, mentioned in chapter 1
      • vs. 10, “Well I’m glad that’s over, where’s my wine?”
  • Read 8:1-2
    • Catching the contrast? 
    • Haman elevated
      • Haman’s decree
        • Mordecai & Esther plan to reverse the decree
          • 1st banquet
            • Pivots with Haman and Mordecai 
          • 2nd banquet
        • Mordecai & Esther’s plan implemented
      • The new decree
    • Mordecai elevated
  • The whole time God is working is His Providence to Save HIS People!
    • In the background, not mentioned in Esther but still present, the protective care of God. God will save his people
    • Still got some work to do…
  • Read 8:3-8
    • God will save His People
    • Tell the rest of the story. 
      • Edict goes out, the jews fight back, and have incredible victory. 
      • This is not the end of the story. 
        • This leads to Ezra coming back to the temple in Jerusalem to restore the word. 
        • Then Nehemiah to finish restoration
        • Then Malichi to restore the people to God’s will and ways… and then silence. 
        • Then Jesus comes, ends the silence and true salvation comes through his life, death and resurrection. 
    • God’s plan along, God will save his people. 
      • But note, not all people in the story of Esther are saved. Haman, all the enemies of the Jews… They are not saved, so the first question we should be asking when considering “Who are we?” Is Am I one of God’s People? 
    • Who are you? 
      • I am God’s Child, John 1:12
      • I am a friend of Jesus, John 15:15
      • I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child, Ephesians 1:3-8
      • I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins, Colossians 1:13-14
      • I am complete in Christ, Colossians 2:9-10
      • I am free from condemnation, Romans 8:1-2
      • I am a citizen of Heaven, Phillippians 3:20
      • I am God’s workmanship, Ephesians 2:10
      • I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances, Romans 8:28
    • God saves His People
      • Based on who we are because of what Christ has done, we are saved. 
      • Not just spiritually, but circumstantially as well. Look at that last scripture, Romans 8:28
  • And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
    • Story of dating a girl who I didn’t marry. 
    • This is how God works. 
  • God Saves His People


  • What are some things that could keep from God saving you from a situation you are asking to saved from? 
    • Sin. God cares more about your freedom than your comfort. 
    • Sanctification. God uses trails to bring about character
    • A bigger plan, Job? 
    • You are not God’s people
  • Not everyone gets “saved”, if you are here, there is a strong chance you God is calling you to be his…
    • Who are you? If you are a Christian, remember it’s God through the person and work of Jesus who defines you. Let your faith in him give you courage and confidence to walk into the things he has called you to. 
    • If you are not, you are invited to be a child of God. Believe in Jesus and be saved! 
  • God Saves His People