

Sermon Notes

Intro Video (Click to watch)

We are… Historical.

Connected by faith to Jesus how has called us into to a global and diverse movement that is made up of all cultures, tribes, & tongues called the church.

  • 1730-60  The ‘Great Awakening’ – A Protestant revival in the USA which lead to a church planting movement to the Western US
  • July 4th, 1776 The 13 Colonies that gained their independence was largely populated by Protestants due to Protestant settlers seeking religious freedom from the Church of England
  • 10 Years after the 13 Colonies established independence
  • 1786- Spain founds the mission in Santa Barbara
  • 1833-1846- California mission headquarters moved to Santa Barbara
  • 1850- California becomes the 31st state in the US
  • 1861 – 1865 American Civil war
  • 8 years after the civil war, 23 years after California became a state and just under 100 years America claimed it’s independence, on Feb. 8th, 1873 13 people met on the Hill Ranch in the lovely farming valley of Goleta, Ca.
  •  to form this church, the oldest church in our city.
  • Originally Oakdale Baptist church, the first building was built in 1884
  • 1816 they changed the name to Goleta Valley church,
  • 1835 joined the Association of Regular Baptists
  • 1972 Just Under 100 years after the church started meeting, they sold the original site to the Goleta Girls club.
  • 1973 a ground breaking ceremony on 3 acres at Stow Canyon and Fairview Ave (SHOW PICS)
  • Dec. 23rd of 1973 the first service was held by Pastor Harry Hobby in our present Fellowship Hall
  • 1980 the city threatened to not renew the building permit for our current sanctuary so construction began.
  • June 24th, 1984 the first service was held right here in our current sanctuary
  • Pastor Harry Hobby served 19 years and retired in 1987
  • Pastor Wayne Nonoshita served __ years and retired in
  • Pastor Ivan Foster served __ years and retired in 2016
  • 2014 After fasting and prayer, I got a vision to come back to the Central Coast to establish a church planting church.
  • July 3rd 2014, Exactly 2 years before I preached my first sermon here, I wrote a vision down for church planting on the central coast. (Show slide)
  • July 3rd, 2016,  Feeling honored and humbled, I became part of the history here at Goleta Valley Church as I preached my first sermon “Jesus is Freedom”

“We are… Historical”


We have been around awhile. That said, we are excited about a new season for us!  In July of 2016 we hired Bobby Grossi as our new Senior Pastor with the intent of revitalizing our church. This type of season brings change but whether you are visiting for the first time or haven’t been in a while, there are a few things that you need to know that will remain the same. Here they are.


We proclaim a simple message; Jesus Christ is THE hope of our world.  Though this news has been around for 2000 years we believe it’s just as relevant today as it was then.


We believe the truths of the Bible connect humanity back to it’s creator. It also teaches that if we have peace with God it begins to effect all other areas of life, including the way we treat others.  Therefore every sermon will have some relevance to what we believe and/or how we live.


Our church has been serving Goleta and Santa Barbara county for over 140 years but the Church universal was established over 2000 years ago. We believe that our local expression of church is a small part of a global and diverse family of faith that is made up of all cultures, tribes and tongues.

Therefore, we are connected by faith to history, relevant to the needs of our city, and simple in the solution we offer.

  • SLIDE- Please turn to Ephesians 2:19-21
  • Page 957 in the Pew Bibles

SLIDE, Historical: The whole series of past events connected with someone or something.

  • The means by which we are connected? FAITH (Ephesians 2:8)
  •  We are connected by faith to

#1. Jesus

  • vs. 20b.  & vs. 22.
  • a. Historically,  Jesus died on the cross
    • We enter into history since we, our sinful selfs, died with him.
  • b. Historically, Jesus rose from the dead.
    • We enter into history since we rose with him in new life

SLIDE- We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4

  • Because of our history IN CHRIST we are connected to his life.
  • a. New life, new identity & a new purpose—>
    • We are connected by faith to A global, diverse family called the

#2. The Church.

  • vs. 19 No longer strangers & aliens
    • Fellow citizens with the saints
    • Enter into a history, stand on the shoulders of incredible men and women of faith.
  • vs. 20 Built on the foundation
    • Look to the Bible.
    • Who am I? What do I believe? How do I live?
      • Establish our doctrine- teachings
      • Enter into a history of truth
  • vs 21-22  Divine invitation to enter into a global diverse movement that has literally turned the world upside down.

#3. So we can Connect others to Jesus

  • We are… Simple, relevant & Historical
  • To be a “historical” disciple means
  • “We are connected to Jesus & each other as  the church to connect others to Jesus and the church”



What doctrine or scripture confirms who and what you are called to do and how you are called to do it?


What doctrine or scripture are you teaching others into the who, what and how of discipleship?

The Church

Who can you learn from?

What can you learn from church history?

How does your calling and discipleship of others tie into what the church has been doing for 2000 years.

Sermon Slides
