Now & Then

Now & Then

We will be gathering NEXT SUNDAY!

We are excited to announce that next Sunday, June 7th, at 10 am we will be gathering as a church. This decision came with a ton of prayer.

  • Here is what you need to know…
    • There will be no Sunday school or pre-service prayer for now. 
    • Please bring a mask
    • We will have a shortened family service, no childcare will be provided but kids are welcome! 
    • If you have been sick or have a pre-existing health issue, please stay home.
      • We are going to attempt to stream our service live, but we have had issues with our internet, but hopefully, there will be no problems. 
      • If steaming does not work we will have a video of the service posted as soon as we can. 
    • We will not be serving snacks or coffee so bring your own or pick some up on your way in. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns, send us an email at

Stay up to date and encouraged! 

We will be posting updates on social media. Check out our INSTAGRAM and/or FACEBOOK page or search @rchurchgoleta on either platform. We will be sending out info from our email as well. If you would like to be added let us know,

Join us for Wednesday Prayer, 6:30-7:30pm

To pray with us you can join through Zoom using the link below or call in at 1-669-900-9128 and enter this code when prompted, 82346728601.

Consider checking out a Community Group.

We have groups on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings at 6:30 pm. If interested, send us an email and we’ll send you a link to join in!


If you like to give to R-Church you can give fee-free through Paypal. Click HERE for more details. You can also give with a card located at the bottom of our website  

Hey Restoration Families!
Let’s praise God for the many blessings that He gives, especially our children. What an honor to be able to guide these people closer to Christ. Remember to talk about God’s goodness in small everyday things because we as parents will be the biggest influence our child has.

Deuteronomy 6:6 & 7 “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

Watch the preschool or the elementary video and use the discussion questions, worksheets, and a memory verse page that are available below. If you have any questions, please email Trina at


Talk | Question Time:

  • What were Peter and John doing in the Bible story? (Telling people about Jesus.)

  • What happened to Peter and John when they were talking about Jesus? (They got in trouble.)

  • What did Peter and John say when the people told them to stop sharing God’s story? (They said they couldn’t help it. They couldn’t stop.)

  • Who helped Peter and John have courage to share the story? (God helped them.)

    ACTIVITY | Help Your Friend

INSTRUCTIONS: Lay sheets of colored construction paper down in a circle.

You’ll need several copies of every color. Let your preschoolers take turns walking around the circle on top of the papers. When you say “Stop,” everyone walking will need to stop, look at the color they’re standing on, and share something specific. Here’s a color code you can use :

o BLUE: your favorite season or weather
o GREEN: your favorite restaurant to eat dinner
o RED: your favorite thing to do with your family
o YELLOW: your favorite game to play
o ORANGE: your favorite animal
o PURPLE: your favorite thing to do with your friend o BLACK: your favorite birthday memory
o BROWN: your favorite song
o WHITE: your favorite toy

  • God made us all special and different with personalities and things we love.

  • We can share about ourselves with others, but the most important thing we can share with others is what God has done in our lives.

  • God made us, forgives us, and loves us.

    MEMORY VERSE | Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

• INSTRUCTIONS: Use the printable provided or help your kids draw a picture of

and color a few light sources (e.g., lamp, flashlight, light bulb, lantern, etc.) and talk to them about how God’s word guides us like lights do when it’s dark. Then recite the memory verse together.



Peter and John Share the Gospel: Acts 4:1-20; (I John 3:18)


We can share God’s story.


  • What message did Peter and John want to share with others?

  • What did Peter and John do when people told them to stop talking about Jesus?

  • Why do you think Peter and John kept talking about Jesus, even when they were told to be quiet?

  • Let’s read I John 3:18. This week, what’s one way you could show God’s love to someone without using words?

  • Is there anyone you’d like to share God’s story with? Who, and why?

  • What’s one way you could use your words to share God’s story with that person this week?
    ACTIVITY | Share Your Story

• INSTRUCTIONS: Grab a stopwatch! (Or a phone — anything with a timer.) Challenge: Finish one of these sentences in 60 seconds.

o The first time I heard about Jesus was when . . . o My favorite thing God has created is . . .
o My favorite Bible verse or story is . . .
o I’mthankfultoGodfor…

o Jesus is my friend because . . .
o I’m glad God forgives me because . . . o One prayer God has answered is . .