



Hey Restoration Families!

It was so good to see most of us this last Sunday! We missed being together but now we are back! Well mostly… we still will have our children with us in service until the guidelines allow us to open up our children’s ministry. Until then, we will continue to post R-Kids Sunday school lessons right here. We would like to apologize for not having a new lesson posted last Sunday, there were last-minute issues that got in the way which are now remedied. Thanks for your patience.

Please enjoy this time with Jesus and your kids!



Rocket Munch

  • Who did Jesus go visit?
  • What did Martha do when Jesus came to their house?
  • What did Mary do when Jesus came to their house?
  • Who did Jesus say made the better choice? Why?

ACTIVITY | Circle Time

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Have everyone sit in a circle then give each kid an aluminum foil “asteroid.” One at a time, they toss their asteroids into a bowl or bucket in the middle of the circle. When they get an asteroid in the bowl, ask them a question from the list below:
    • If you were Martha, what would you have made Jesus for dinner?
    • What do you think Jesus was saying to Mary and the other guests?
    • If you were Martha, what would you have said to your sister for not helping you?
    • Where is one place you can spend time with God?
    • What is one way you can spend time with God?

MEMORY VERSE | Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

  • One big way to spend time with God is to remember what the Bible says!




  • Why was Martha angry at Mary in today’s story?
  • Why was Jesus happy with how Mary spent her time?
  • How did Jesus want Martha to spend her time?
  • We can’t invite Jesus to our house for dinner like Mary and Martha did, but what are some other ways we can spend time with Him?
  • Let’s read Colossians 4:2. When we pray, what are some of the things we can talk to God about?
  • What’s one thing that distracts you from spending time with God?
  • What’s one way you could spend more time with God this week?

ACTIVITY | Your Day with God

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Give your child a Your Day With God printable and markers or crayons. Color together and write some ways you can spend time with God under each picture. As they color, say, “Spending time with God doesn’t have to be at one special time each day. You can spend time with God all day long!”

MEMORY VERSE | Psalm 119:105 (NIV)