

Sermon Notes

“We are…”

  • Finding and living into our identity as a church.
  • Please turn to 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
  • Page 952 in the Pew Bibles / Stand for the reading of God’s word

We have been around awhile. That said, we are excited about a new season for us!  In July of 2016 we hired Bobby Grossi as our new Senior Pastor with the intent of revitalizing our church. This type of season brings change but whether you are visiting for the first time or haven’t been in a while, there are a few things that you need to know that will remain the same. Here they are.


We proclaim a simple message; Jesus Christ is THE hope of our world.  Though this news has been around for 2000 years we believe it’s just as relevant today as it was then.


We believe the truths of the Bible connect humanity back to it’s creator. It also teaches that if we have peace with God it begins to effect all other areas of life, including the way we treat others.  Therefore every sermon will have some relevance to what we believe and/or how we live.


Our church has been serving Goleta and Santa Barbara county for over 140 years but the Church universal was established over 2000 years ago. We believe that our local expression of church is a small part of a large family of faith that is made up of all cultures, tribes and tongues.

Therefore, we are connected by faith to history, relevant to the needs of our city, and simple in the solution we offer.


  • The solution we offer is Jesus Christ and him crucified, on the third day he rose again and is the savior of the world. Believe and you will be saved.
  • Is the Gospel for Christians too?  Yes
  • Paul tells Timothy, a Pastor in 2 Timothy 2:8
  • “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel”
  • Letter after letter written to churches and the “Gospel”

SLIDE- But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.   2 Corinthians 11:3 NASB

SLIDE- Haplótās: Here, too, the basic meaning is a. “simplicity”: And again this leads to such value concepts as b. “noble simplicity,” “characteristic of the psyche of heroes,”1 c. “purity” or “singleness of heart” Theological dictionary of the New Testament

  • Noble simplicity, characteristic of the psyche of heroes, singleness of heart.
  • We are… simple
    • If Satan can distract us like Eve, because he’s crafty, we end up going on our own power and we forget.
    • Sons of Skeva
    • Jesus I know and Paul I’ve heard of, but who are you?
  • We go to church every Sunday just to remind us what we believe.

SLIDE- For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or nunfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities ryou will never fall. 2 Peter 1:8-10

  • How can we keep from forgetting? Led astray?
  • How do we hold to a “noble simplicity,” have the “characteristic of the psyche of heroes,”  “singleness of heart”
  1. First thing in the morning remind yourself of who you are based on what Christ has done.
    1. O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.
      1. Devotions. GET IN THE WORD.  (Luke-Revelation)
      2. I would rather you read the Jesus Storybook Bible than some of the devotions that are out there.
      3. If it doesn’t point to Jesus then find one that does.
  2. Come to church with a heart ready to receive the Gospel.
    1.  I see some of you, arms crossed, judging eyes.
    2. For the members here- It’s not my job to convince you you should worship, it’s my job to remind you.
  3. Begin to live what you believe.
    1. In community group we are memorizing scripture
    2. How can I serve others to live out the scripture?

Asking what it means to be a disciple of Jesus at our church.

  • Who? what? how? for 1. you, 2. others and 3. the church.


  1. You    
    1. Who are you?
    2. What are you called to do?
    3. How can you simplify your life so that you can to accomplish your calling?
  2. Others
    1. Who is your neighbor?
    2. What is in the way of loving your neighbor?
    3. How can I serve my neighbor?
  3. The Church
    1. Who am I being disciple by/ discipling?
    2. What are my gifts?
    3. How are my gifts and calling serving the church?

Sermon Slides

To Life