We Are on Mission

We Are on Mission

We are on Mission!

Sermon Notes

Everybody CLAP your hands

  • Individuals clapping to the same beat when a steady rhythm becomes clear.
  • The book of acts is the songbook to God’s rhythm.  A steady beat for the people of God to walk, live and even dance to.
  • We “continue what Jesus began to do and teach” as a Church!

SLIDE-All about Jesus

Testimony- I started attending GV Church in April of 2016, just a little before Bobby. I’ve been a practicing Christian for over 30 years. In that time, either myself or with Jim, attended countless Bible studies, have attended church regularly, etc. During this time, I’ve encountered and deal with health issues on an almost daily basis. My faith was and is strong, but the gospel didn’t seem to be speaking to me as much. Circumstances weren’t changing. Through Bobby’s sermons, I realized I was reading the gospel, but wasn’t so great at my application.  After all this time, I feel like I’m seeing God’s word with freshly opened eyes. I have a long way to go, but am so grateful to GV Church. I’m learning that even at my age, I have a lot more to learn and most importantly, practice. Thanks to all for walking beside me as I continue to grow. 

SLIDE- Kingdom Minded, Spirit Filled, Witness, Prayer, Leadership, Diversity, & Generosity

When the church lives in the Rhythms of the Spirit, it grows.. Deep & Wide


SLIDE- Attendance

  • Monthly Average from the 50’s to 85 last month!
  • We celebrated 2 baptisms with a few more people wanting to publicly proclaim their faith through baptism!

SLIDE- Giving, on a steady rise!

  • Giving details. Pretty aggressive budget. As of October we are
  • 2.21% ahead of budget! November has started off pretty slow!
  • Ways to give- We have offering boxes located in the back. You can give online at http://www.goletavalleychurch.com/give/ which has directions to give with no fees to us through a PayPal account or you can use a credit or debit card.
  • 10 New members have taken our recent class and have completed the quiz and discipleship forms! They will be introduced and voted in soon!
  • We have just planted another community group. Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

These are all indications of grow, not just width but depth as well, as we “continue what Jesus began to do and teach”. The “Rhythms laid a foundation for…

SLIDE- MISSION: Sent to Speak and Respond to God’s Work of Redemption. 

SLIDE- “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  Acts 1:8

  • 10 Sermons for this series, all with the focus of reaching our local context!
  • In Acts it all starts with a man begging at the gate.
  • And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Rev. 12:11

Read testimonyA few weeks ago I noticed a homeless woman outside of a bookstore in Carpinteria I was entering. The skin on her legs looked diseased and she was morbidly obese. My dog approached her and she commented on him.  I then went into the bookstore. I came out of the store with my dog and got in my car, but I felt led to go back and pray for her.  I asked what she needed prayer for and she told me how she had fallen on bad times and had been diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and was trying to get to a center to start treatments. I prayed for her right then and there – something I have not done for a stranger in a long time – she was receptive and it was cool to speak into her life and tell her God loved her and was going to help her.

We are on Mission!

Invite Dianne to share.

  • Tell Ricks story about “forgetting his keys”
  • Listening to the Spirit!

SLIDE- Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2

  • Healing, reaching out to the outcast & downcast creates opportunity for us to share our message. It’s living into God’s Work of Redemption!
  • God will help who he wants to help so the question is, will you be the one who does? It’s God’s work, you are invited!
  • When we do it helps us live into who we are called to be! It’s healing for the person who reaches out and the person we reach out to!
  • Janet’s story

Shawnasie up to share

  • Peter proclaims the Gospel 2x
  • 1000’s come to faith
  • Stephen addresses the counsel and point them to Jesus
  • It’s a simple message with profound power!
  • “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16

TESTIMONY- Beth, Jen, Rick

We are on Mission


Sacred Cows