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Welcome to Restoration Church, Goleta. We are in a new series called “LOVE” and we’re stoked you decided to join us! If you’d like to see the full service please visit our Youtube Channel.

Here’s a little info about where we are headed in this series… Jesus says there are 2 laws that all others depend on; Love God & Love others. (Matthew 22:35-40) The common denominator is love. Thankfully we are not left on our own to define biblical love. In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, defines it for us. Our goal and hope is to put a path of biblical understanding under our feet so that we may walk in the way of love.

Our main text will be 1 Corinthians 13:4, which can be found on page 960 in our Pew Bibles. We offer page numbers for those who aren’t familiar with the Bible but would still like to follow along. If you’d like one of our bibles, send us an email at and we’ll send one your way! That email can also be used if you have questions or need prayer.

Patient & Kind
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